deutsch français Galerie Events Forum Moto Guzzi Enduro the wildest beauties from Mandello Quota-Treffen 2023 July 7. 8. & 9. 2023 Hello all, and welcome to our next Quota-Treffen. Planning is done , now organization takes over and i really need to know who will come. As you know we will limit inscriptions to 80 – 100 persons, some more day-visitors may join…to make sure your resevation is valid please control the needed information and the advance-payment of € 70.- p.p. Bank: Assoc. IBAN: FR76 1330 6003 7123 1138 3499 490 BIC: AGRIFRPP833 This money is absolutely necessary to cover some of my depenses, so… no advanve – no confirmation.Some of the room-reservation are not confirmed, so first come first go 😉 in the (really lovely) dormitories is still place.Any problem or question ? feel free to ask: click here to see the actual inscription-listbookings QT2023-0207 click here to get the inscription-form, download, fill and send to This liste will be updated regulary, so check next week for changes 😉 powered by MyBB - theme by Nick made by Massa, assisted by Do thanks to Pippo and all our friends Total Page Visits: 694 - Today Page Visits: 1